Stop the depletion of the resources of the planet

Publié le par Marie Culoma

Article 1 marie culoma


What is the answer to stop the depletion of the resources of the planet ?


Resource depletion occurs when all of the natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable have been exhausted. Actually, human beings currently use resources far more quickly than they can be replenished. A good example of resource depletion is the growing use of petroleum, which is a finite resource which takes millions of years to create. Besides, with the growing population and land degradation we are also facing a situation where the Earth will no longer be able to feed the tremendous amount of people on the planet.

How do I see it ?

I'm not sure there's an answer to stopping the depletion of the resources. Even if we all turned over a new leaf tomorrow and did our best to conserve our resources, I actually, don't think we could conserve nearly enough to make a difference. There are very few of us, and I'm not one of them, that would drastically reduce their standard of living in order to spare some resources. Without that level of sacrifice, I don't reckon the conservation would do the trick. What do YOU reckon?



Against all those pesticides (which are said to be destroying the wildlife) farmers spray on their

crops ?

marie culoma (pesticides)


The levels of pesticides heavily increased on fruits and vegetables consumed by infants and children between 1993 and 1996.


Source: Environmental Working Group. Compiled from USDA AMS Pesticide Data Program


The way I see things:

I don't deny that chemicals have brought some costs to the countryside but I am afraid that we have to face up to reality here: everything we do that brings a benefit also brings a cost. We spend all our lives balancing the benefits against the costs. Plus, not allowing farming industry to keep apace with this would mean condemning farmers to a much lower standard of living.

Make your point on this topic !!


Neglected chemicals in the air are infecting people !!!


Actually, air pollution has been harming us for many years now and yetwe have carried on polluting more of the earth's surface. Pollution is spread throughout the world, and as a result, could pose a threat to the health of people. Recently, environmental pollution problems have been more considered because of the Earth's disability to purify pollutants. The air pollutants found in most areas are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons. Nonetheless, there are many other chemical substances that contribute to air pollution.  These pollutants are dispersed throughout the world's atmosphere. This huge amount of chemicals might gradually get people into a lot of serious health problems: serious health problems can occur quickly when air pollutants are concentrated. Furthermore, at the rate we are using up those pollutants we could be facing overwhelming situations within the next generations.

Publié dans Endangered Resources

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